فريق عمل مسلسل كراكيب 2007
يأتيكم هذا العام بمسلسل كوميدي جديد ولكن للكبار
المسلسل يحمل تفاصيل البيئة المصرية المحلية
وخصوصا بعد أن تداخلت التكنولوجيا مع طبيعة الحياة البسيطة
المسلسل بطولة
حنان ترك
صلاح عبد الله
سامح حسين
تتر المقدمة ألحان وغناء
عصام كاريكا
أحمد سيد أمين
ومن إخراج
سامح مصطفى
انتظرونا رمضان القادم بإذن الله
hay mohamed , my name is moustafa
and i had my share in 3D modeling and animation , and i didnt think there anything like this in Egypt , i live in the US but i came down to egypt du to family issues , so i would like to get in contact with you.
you can see my animation videos on youtube by name fisfisbg22 see the roboman dance , i work with max maya
I came across your blog when I was searching for some detailed information about "Passant and Diasty". I was wondering if you are the real animator of the characters. :)
If yes, please contact me because I would like to take your permission to publish your work on a Facebook fan page. Thank you.
Whoops, forgot to give you my e-mail!
It's amhelali@ucalgary.ca
Also, I was wondering if you have any information for someone who has the talent to be a voice actress.
Thank you,
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